Monday, April 28, 2014

Work Plan Session 5 and 6

Session 5 and 6
First session back
Show Mars film – revisit the concept of what might be possible. With the knowledge gained through the VSCCE and think further about how this will impact the things you may be taking to mars and how your day to day life on mars might be. Also what will you need for survival?
 ICT survey with all levels 7 8 9
Hand out certificates to the students who attended the excursion last week.
 All students are to complete the survey as a comparative data set to last survey results.
Both sessions –
In World
 Transport Pod Building
All classes are to complete the building of the transport pods for their tribe to travel to Mars.
 3 screen captures and store into the tribal file, electronic records of process.
 Shots must show the items that they have designed and built for their tribe.

Excursion to the VSCCE

The students had an amazing experience on the excursion to the VSCCE. After a very long bus ride kindly sponsored by the VSCCE we all arrived ready to go.

Students had done some prelimanary class work to create a base knowledge about rocket propulsion and the planet Mars.

The students built air propelled rockets and worked in the lab to explore experiments which gave them a greater understanding of the challenges of living on Mars.

Once back in the classroom at Doveton College the students were able to use the new knowledge gained to adapt the space pods and tools they required to exist on another planet.

Video made by students from Excursion

Session 4 Excursion to VSCCE

Wednesday excursion to VSCCE – NASA Wednesday 26 February.
AFK and In World
What will your tribe take with you? How will it be transported?
Discuss 9 to 10 month Journey, what would travellers do with their time? How would they be occupied? Do the designs of the pods allow for this to be a comfortable journey?
What to take to Mars
Needs – Build in world
These are the elements necessary for human survival
Wants –Build in world
 There are the elements that the settlers may desire as a reminder of their earth homes, mementos etc
In World
Transport Pod building begins. With the understanding of the needs and wants that will need to be transported, your tribe must devise and design a plan for the transport that will get you to Mars.
It must have the following:
Its design and decoration must be reflective of your tribe’s culture
Provide a safe travel area for passengers.
Cargo hold that will contain all your tribe needs to survive
When it land on mars it will be the main dwelling for your tribe in the initial settlement.
Photo points throughout the session taking progressive photos of their build.

Work Plan Session 3


Session focus

Establish the tribal identity.

Define needs and wants for your tribe?



In discussion with the tribe you must decide on the following

-10 mins

Definition of a need – collate all the responses and display.

Definition of a want – collate all the responses and display.

List the top 5 needs

List top 3 wants


1.            10 mins Alter the appearance of the avatars to match the described identity of the tribe.

Have each tribe member incorporate the tribal appearance elements on their avatar. All tribe members must wear the design. Display the flag design in the tribal lands. Import it as a texture/image into the inventory.

2.            20 mins

Explore the devastated earth and the tribal lands that your tribe belong to. What might be salvaged and or collected to take to MARS.
Allocate tasks to each tribe member to build a need in their tribal land that can be harvested collected or transported at a later date for their journey to Mars

More flags, uniforms and tribes

Aadier is a tribe of scavengers.

Perwat are the medical and nursing tribe.

Petani are the farmers.

Siezon-Cha are the survival team

Szef Kuchni are the cooks.

A Desolated World

In the Virtual World the students inhabit a destroyed world which they need to leave.

Here are a few pictures of the world they exist in on Earth.

Flags, Uniforms and Special Skills

Krouh Peit are the medicine tribe

Jishu is the technology tribe.

Magira is the cooking tribe.

Noka are the farming tribe

Session 2 Work Program

Session 2


Session focus

What identifies you as a tribe?

What makes your tribe unique?

Look at images of tribal societies from around the world. What are the identifying features of their appearance dress etc. Ndebele south Africa


In discussion with the tribe you must decide on the following

Tribe motto - 10 mins


The name and motto must come from words that mean the same as Synonyms, the motto must describe the tribes determination to make a successful transition to the new colony

Explorers, expedition, first, survival, survivors, travellers

It can be in another language.

Design – 10 mins

Paint Software

Tribal flags




Cultural music and foods

Traditional dress style


  1. 20 mins Alter the appearance of the avatars to match the described identity of the tribe.

Have each tribe member incorporate the tribal appearance elements on their avatar.

  1. 20 mins
    Display the flag design in the tribal lands. Import it as a texture/image into the inventory. Explore the devastated earth and the tribal lands that your tribe belong to. What might be salvaged and or collected to take to MARS.

Are there any creations, structures, planting or developments your tribe can implement in the short term to help towards planning your mars exodus?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Science Y7 Mars

Mission to Mars was a learning success. Students were enthralled with the idea of people actually going to Mars. How will they do it? Who will pay for it? Who is going? Would you want to go, if you can’t come back? How big will the space ship be? How will they build the base? What will they eat and drink? Will the internet and facebook work there?

We could have learn’t about forces and motion, the biology of what humans need, food chains, solar power and rockets, etc, without a ‘mission to Mars’. The difference is the kids were enthusiastic about the learning and asked far more questions, of me and each other, rather than the me ‘firing’ questions at them. I enjoyed the unit a too because it gave me the ‘permission’ to explore and ‘run with’ whatever the kids were pursuing – we are still going! The best comment that summed it all up was, “learning is fun” J

Michael Vogue
eSmart Coordinator

Friday, April 25, 2014

Session 1 Work Program

Session 1

Earth tribes

Form mixed ability groups use random card selection combined with skill placement to balance each group.


100 ideas in 10 minutes
Focus question
What will the most valuable skills to have in a new colony on Mars?
Write everything down there are no dumb ideas.

Top 3

Consider the generated list. You are to select the top three skills you have listed that could become the identifying skill your tribe is renowned for. It will build your tribal identity.

This skill may-
Help survival
Help establish the colony
Become an income or trade opportunity
Benefit your tribe only
Benefit all the colonists

Tribe trade and name

Through discussion and consideration were each tribe members voice is heard the tribe must settle on a skill they will take with them to the new world.
The students are to then decide on a tribe name and begin the discussions and development of a tribal identity that will make them unique and different.

Explore the devastated earth and the tribal lands that your tribe belong to. What might be salvaged and or collected to take to MARS.

A quick overview

Our experience at Doveton College has shown that using a “Gaming” approach usually ensures high student engagement. The use of Imprudence Virtual World offers an opportunity to tap into the interest base of the students by using the medium of a “gaming” experience to deliver curriculum. Our Students are required to apply their ICT knowledge and skills.

Leaving the earth, Mars

In 2014 we have embarked on a new journey “Leaving the Earth - Mars” (LTEM). We use the virtual world as a tool to enhance the learning experience of students, it has given them the chance to apply their learning to “virtual” real life situations.

The LTEM program has a main focus on Civics and Citizenship. The project is designed to develop cooperative learning strategies and teaching techniques. It challenges students to solve problems in a group dynamic to achieve a desired outcome.

The project poses this problem :

Unfortunately the tribes face a huge issue, the Earth has been decimated by man, and Earth is no longer livable. The only chance for survival is to leave the Earth and build new human colonies on Mars.

 The goal of the project is survival of the tribe and successful resettlement on Mars.  All students are a part of an earth tribe, they will develop a tribal identity and culture. As a group they will be required to design, build and supply a space transport pod that will transport the tribe and all their needs to Mars.

Once the tribes arrive on mars the development of a new society will begin. Tribes will need to rely on their own members and member of other tribes for survival.

Cross Curricular learning

Using an inquiry through line of Leaving the Earth - Mars all curriculum subject areas can tap into the topic and use the project as a point of reference for teaching topic related concepts.

Maths Scicene English Hums Music Drama Food tech
by Chrisi Tambakakis

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Leaving The Earth Introduction


On the first day of term one the Year 7 students attend their first assembly.  At the end of the assembly this one minute film was played.

Leaving The Earth

Leaving The Earth is a cross curriculum program SoundGarage has developed for the students in Year 7 at Doveton College. The program is based in Humanities with major links to Science, Art, Music, Robotics, English, Food Technology and Drama.

The premise is simple. The world is no longer inhabitable. As a result humans must migrate to Mars where individual tribes must form a new society.  Using Design Thinking as a basis for learning and creativity students plot their own journey into a new world.